Join Fr. Kerry Walters, Instructor, as this course explores the Hebrew scriptures from a variety of angles, including historical, literary, and theological ones. But the golden thread that will run through all our investigations is the “canonical” approach to biblical exegesis that reads the Bible using all the tools of modern exegesis while insisting that it is the inspired word of God which continues to serve as a spiritual and moral compass. Classes meet via Zoom on Saturday mornings from 11 AM to 12:30 PM eastern time, January 21 through March 25, 2023. Registration for this course is now open through Saturday, January 14, 2023. Registration is $150 or $75.00 for ANCC clergy. Visit the ANCTI website to register. ANCTI course offerings are open to everyone, not just ANCC clergy and seminarians. Interested lay people are especially encouraged to register for ANCTI courses.