The very existence of the Church is based upon the life of Jesus, of which we know little. The scant details that make up the narrative of His life are to be found primarily in three books of the New Testament, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, which are known as the Synoptic Gospels. This course, an introduction to those works, will consider the sociohistorical context of the world of Jesus, His Judaism, and the Roman Empire that was then dominant. In order to understand the Synoptic Gospels, we will consider their writing, manuscripts, and linguistic background, as well as their authorship and dating. Who wrote the Synoptic Gospels and why? This will lead us to a study of the “Synoptic Problem” – how these works are related and how they differ. Why are they ordered as they are? What are the concerns of the writers of each gospel? How does this affect their version of the life of Jesus and the world around Him? What are the theological concerns expressed in each gospel? How was the early Church forming around Jesus during his lifetime? This course will explore the Synoptics as the centerpiece of Christianity.

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